Extended Semantic Web Conference 2012 - NEWS

VideoLectures of ESWC2012 available!

Posted on Wed, July 4th 2012

The VideoLectures of the Extended Semantic Web Conference 2012 are now available at VideoLectures.net. (Re)watch and enjoy the enlighting talks at http://videolectures.net/eswc2012_heraklion/!

A brief summary of the exciting 9th Extended Semantic Web Conference

Posted on Tue, June 12th 2012


The conference showcased the best the community has to offer with a 25% acceptance rate for technical track submissions.

Again the conference continued the tradition of fantastic keynote speakers including a novel and well received keynote from political strategist Julius van der Laar as well as leaders in the field like Monica Lam (Stanford) and Alon Halevy (Google). These keynotes will be made available on videolectures.net soon.

We had a fantastic poster, demo and AI Mashup session in which the best scores were calculated using SPARQL queries!

You can find all the papers in LNCS Volume 7295 at http://www.springerlink.com/content/978-3-642-30283-1
Metadata is at http://data.semanticweb.org/conference/eswc/2012/html


Obviously, there was a ton of great stuff at the conference. Here are the award winners:

Best Paper: Graph Kernels for RDF Data by Uta Lösch, Stephan Bloehdorn, Achim Rettinger
Best In-Use Paper: Generating Possible Interpretations for Statistics from Linked Open Data by Heiko Paulheim
7 years Most Influential paper: Towards Semantically-Interlinked Online Communities by Breslin, Harth, Bojars, and Decker

Best Demos:

  1. Nobody Wants to Live in a Cold City Where No Music Has Been Recorded by Heiko Paulheim
  2. Exploring History through Newspaper Archives by Jasna Skrbec, Marko Grobelnik, Blaz Fortuna
    DEFENDER: a DEcomposer For quEries agaiNst feDERations of endpoints by Gabriela Montoya, Maria-Esther Vidal, Maribel Acosta

Best Poster:

  1. Bringing the Web of Data to Developing Countries: Linked Data Markets in the Sahel by Victor De Boer, Nana Baah Gyan, Pieter De Leenheer, Anna Bon, Chris van Aart, Chistophe Gueret, Wendelien Tuyp, Stephane Boyera, Mary Alle
  2. ANISE: an ANatomic SEmantic Visualizer by Luis Landaeta, Alexander Baranya, Alexandra La Cruz, Maria-Esther Vidal
  3. Full-text Support for  Publish / Subscribe Ontology Systems by Lefteris Zerkavis, Christos Tryfonopoulos, Antonios Papadakis-Pesaresi, Manolis Koubarakis, Spiros Skiadopoulos

Best PhD Symposium Paper: A Framework for Ontology Usage Analysis by Jamshaid Ashraf

AI Mashup Challenge Winner:

  1. Career Galaxy by Yiyu Li, Xilong Fan, Mamta Bhavsar, Yemin Shi
  2. MICI by Heiko Paulheim, Axel Schulz
  3. WhatsGoingOn by Wenjing Yu, Xuming Zhu, Jose Romero-Lobo
  4. Hugos by Yong Jin, Yupeng Ji, Shilang Xui

Impressions of the Closing and Award Ceremony


ESWC 2013

ESWC 2013 will be held in Montpellier, France!

We hope to see you at next year's conference.

Program Teasers for Sunday and Monday

Posted on Sun, May 27th 2012

To get an overview of the ESWC program on Sunday and Monday, we have prepared two teasers for you. Download the teasers for Sunday and Monday!

Open Discussion with Márta Nagy-Rothengass

Posted on Thu, May 24th 2012

Use the opportunity and ask Márta Nagy-Rothengass, Head of Unit
"Technologies for Information Management" at the European Commission, your questions!

An Open Discussion with Márta Nagy-Rothengass will take place on Thursday, May 31st, 2012 at 11:00 - 12:30 in room Orpheas. Additionally, there will also be the possibility to talk to her via Twitter where she and her team will try to answer your questions before and during the ESWC2012. Follow her Twitter account at https://twitter.com/#!/ESWCMarta.

Vote for ESWC 2014 Location

Posted on Wed, May 23rd 2012

Attendees of this year's conference will be able to vote on the location of ESWC 2014 using forms provided in the welcome pack. Short presentations on the proposal will be given during the opening ceremony.

